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Old Oct 02, 2007, 03:32 AM // 03:32   #161
Ascalonian Squire
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Great Post man, i agree with you in all. I just hope this post gets read by the makers of the game.
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 03:32 AM // 03:32   #162
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It has been read by Gaile. Here is what she had to say over at GWO regarding the same clone thread on their forums. and what I had to say back to her.

Originally Posted by Gaile View Post
Guild Wars started quite a long time ago, in game-development terms. From the E3 for Everyone event in May 2004 to the World Preview Event in October 2004 through Beta Weekend Events that ran until release in April of 2005, many of us have been playing Guild Wars for a very long time.

Quite frankly, we did not realize, when we started developing the game, that people would put in 5,000, 6,000, even the more than 7,000 hours that some are spending in the Guild Wars world. However, players are spending that kind of time -- Dwayna bless 'em :wink: -- and we have responded to their requests for recognition of their dedication to and love of the game.

A well-known Guild Wars fan, Photics, wrote a plea long ago to "add more grind to the game." But he didn't really mean "grind," as in meaningless time spent in the game. He, like many other players, asked us for more ideals, more goals, and more choices. Based on those requests, and out of respect for what the wide variety of players would like to see in the game that they so clearly enjoy, we've created many special things: New high-end armours, Hard Mode, special items for victory in HA, titles, and more.

So is this thread about making things easier to get? Is this a plea to reduce the time investment, so that everyone can have everything? Please, no. If everyone can drive a Ferrari, is a Ferrari so special? If everyone wears diamonds, are the gems as precious? Scarcity and rarity are very important elements of those things that we value the highest.

On a personal note, I will likely never have FOW armour. I will probably never get a Ghostly Hero or a Rainbow Phoenix. Heck, I don't have a full set of Polymock pieces or a complete set of greens. (And not that many of my weapons are "perfect," either.) Does that make me a poor player? A lesser citizen? Nope. It defines me player more on the "casual" end of the scale. And you know what? That's ok! I would love to have those special items, and I can get them, but if I want them, I need to work for them. To the victor go the spoils. To the dedicated, go the high-end items and titles. And that's as it should be!

None of the rare and wonderful items or titles is required. All are optional. Not a single one gives you a strategic advantage. So why should they be cheapened -- be made commonplace -- because some players believe that they should get all that the game has to offer, with the minimum amount of effort? I'm sorry, buy that's not the way the real world works. And as a gamer, that's not the way I want my game world to work either.
You know... your post really is aggravating me. First and foremost, I have 5 sets of FoW, countless rare items, a every character decked out in 2-3+ sets of 15k armor in addition to their FoW armor (if they have it) I am no stranger to the elite status of Guild Wars. For you, the CR Manager, to take my post as a plea for something for nothing is downright rude, and I am appalled you did just that.

This thread is not asking for something for nothing, it is asking for Guild Wars to stop putting in mindless grinding games such as allegiance faction. The process of killing literally 10s of thousands of monsters in order to achieve the high ranks of the corresponding title tracks is uncalled for, and simply shows a lack of innovation on your side of the fence Gaile.

I am not asking for something for nothing, that isn't the way the game ever worked, and it would be terrible if it did. What I am asking (if I am even asking for anything at all) is for the creative minds at Arena Net to stop and look at the original thoughts on how the game would function and how it now functions. To look at the amount of grinding needed (per character mind you) to max these titles, or for that matter to get to r5 per character. The method is simple, log in for several hours, find a zone with many enemies, walk outside and methodically kill EVERYTHING in the zone, zone back into town, rinse and repeat. How does that appeal to Time<Skill? Do tell me, I am all ears. :listen:

The fact is, rather then being creative, Arena Net simply threw in grind to keep players busy. Your could have taken the road less traveled, and been innovative and fresh, but you didn't. To the dedicated go the high end items. No Gaile, to the people with enough hours to devote to a GAME go the high end items, not to those would rather use their BRAINS to earn the items. Look back to the Mini Black Moa Chick quest... now that required brains and a bit of grind. It was well balanced, fun, and innovative. Grinding allegiance faction is quite simply, well NOT.

Farming isn't the path to success, being a skilled player, knowing the game, knowing the lore, that should have more reward then farming any day of the week. Casual players can go farm, but casual players don't take the time to truly learn Guild Wars; to read and understand the lore, to memorize the locations of each area and their unique attributes, strengths and weaknesses of the monsters. This is what makes a devoted player truly a devotee, not mindless farming. Rather then reward those with the TIME to farm, reward those players truly interested in your series, even if they don't have every waking moment to spend slaughtering all the happy little creatures in Tyria.

GW:EN is a new game, and by that notion, it means that players, veteran or new player to the series, started at the same starting point, ZERO. Too add in grind to unlock 100% of the content we PAID FOR is wrong. If the grind unlocked bonus content that was no advertised, then this thread wouldn't exist in all honesty. It is the fact that your company veiled the features of GW:EN in order to sell copies, only to have players who are semi casual players find out "Good show old chap, sorry, but you have to grind like the dickens to get ANY one of those 40 "new" armor sets." And while I can forgive the armors being reskinned, and I can forgive the unneeded grind, and the reused sections of dungeons, what I CANNOT and WILL NOT stand for is having the truth about MAINSTREAM features veiled under some magician's smoke and mirrors, made to make a product have all the glitter and none of the substance. Your company is wrong to advertise that as a MAIN feature when casual players may never be able to access that content because you took elite armor that is made for the semi casual player and made it into a reward for hours spent grinding for some title. Well then, you have betrayed the casual player I suppose, considering you advertise "40 New armor sets!" but a casual player probably will never see those sets unless they somehow put real life aside to play your little Grind Wars.

Nice marketing team you have Gaile, they are very good at veiling the truth to sell copies of your beloved franchise. You got 80 dollars of my money using the tactic. Good show, and good game indeed.
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 03:57 AM // 03:57   #163
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Originally Posted by Gaile;5127297
Guild Wars started quite a long time ago, in game-development terms. From the E3 for Everyone event in May 2004 to the World Preview Event in October 2004 through Beta Weekend Events that ran until release in April of 2005, many of us have been playing Guild Wars for a very long time.

Quite frankly, we did not realize, when we started developing the game, that people would put in 5,000, 6,000, even the more than 7,000 hours that some are spending in the Guild Wars world. However, players are spending that kind of time -- Dwayna bless 'em :wink: -- and we have responded to their requests for recognition of their dedication to and love of the game.

A well-known Guild Wars fan, Photics, wrote a plea long ago to "add more grind to the game." But he didn't really mean "grind," as in meaningless time spent in the game. He, like many other players, asked us for more ideals, more goals, and more choices. Based on those requests, and out of respect for what the wide variety of players would like to see in the game that they so clearly enjoy, we've created many special things: New high-end armours, Hard Mode, special items for victory in HA, titles, and more.

So is this thread about making things easier to get? Is this a plea to reduce the time investment, so that everyone can have everything? Please, no. If everyone can drive a Ferrari, is a Ferrari so special? If everyone wears diamonds, are the gems as precious? Scarcity and rarity are very important elements of those things that we value the highest.

On a personal note, I will likely never have FOW armour. I will probably never get a Ghostly Hero or a Rainbow Phoenix. Heck, I don't have a full set of Polymock pieces or a complete set of greens. (And not that many of my weapons are "perfect," either.) Does that make me a poor player? A lesser citizen? Nope. It defines me player more on the "casual" end of the scale. And you know what? That's ok! I would love to have those special items, and I can get them, but if I want them, I need to work for them. To the victor go the spoils. To the dedicated, go the high-end items and titles. And that's as it should be!

None of the rare and wonderful items or titles is required. All are optional. Not a single one gives you a strategic advantage. So why should they be cheapened -- be made commonplace -- because some players believe that they should get all that the game has to offer, with the minimum amount of effort? I'm sorry, buy that's not the way the real world works. And as a gamer, that's not the way I want my game world to work either.''

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +

Wow, i can't bealive she wrote that to you, i read very carefully what you wrote man, and its totally diferent from the point of view she has of your post, basicly they have lost the magic touch, FUN. i guess thats THE most mayor issue GW has, lack of FUN, the fun we had in the early days of guildwars.

ps: I noticed a little random arena saturday 8pm american district ONE folklore in her tone. very sad.

ps2: QUOTE FROM Gail ''I'm sorry, buy that's not the way the real world works.''

Gaile, on a personal note, Why in the name of the Holy Balthazar :wink:, would we want a game that takes us back from what we want some time off?

Last edited by xodius; Oct 02, 2007 at 04:04 AM // 04:04..
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 04:17 AM // 04:17   #164
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Originally Posted by xodius
...basicly they have lost the magic touch, FUN. i guess thats THE most mayor issue GW has, lack of FUN, the fun we had in the early days of guildwars.
That pretty much sums it up. It's not about getting the bestest stuff. It's about fun. Somewhere since Prophecies, new progression mechanics were added to the game before passing the question of 'Will this be fun?'

Last edited by Redfeather1975; Oct 02, 2007 at 04:20 AM // 04:20..
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 04:26 AM // 04:26   #165
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I agree with Rahja. And Gaile and other posters just aren't understanding what the problem is.

It's not about wanting a Ferrari for free. It's not even about hating titles. It's about how the game has changed.

I really like playing on multiple characters. I have 10 pve characters, and each has a different max title. This includes canthan vanquisher for my mes, elonian vanquisher for my ele, and legendary skill hunter on my necro. My mes has fow. I wouldn't point this out, but it seems that people think that people who are saying they don't like how the game is turning out don't want to put any effort into anything. That's not the case at all.

I feel betrayed as well, because when I originally got the game, it encouraged playing multiple characters, which helped me improve at the game as I understood all the classes and skills. And it's one of the reasons I bought the game - I made 4 characters within two weeks of getting it, and all of them are heavily played. Guilds back then expected you to have multiple level 20 characters as well.

At some point, Anet decided to reward those who worked mainly on one character with benefits that impact game play. I've resisted playing on only one character; I'd get bored if I had to. But it seems like Anet is doing everything in its power to get me to abandon my other characters. From the point of a veteran I feel cheated because only people with a main character and an interest in titles "deserve" to have their achievements recognized. I have 16 different max titles across my characters but can't get a rainbow phoenix. It's not the end of the world - I'm 7 elites away from having People Know Me on my ele now. It's just part of this greater feeling that the game is suddenly being made for an entirely different player and the rest of us can go to hell.

Minor grievances about flashy rewards for titles aside, what really bothers me is the amount of title grind required to max pve skills. All my characters have r10 sunspear. But can I max the deldrimor, norn, asura, and vanguard titles on all characters? Each title is worse than the sunspear title. So either I have to deal with subpar skills or work on only one character. This bothers me because I've always been able to play any build on any character - I get them all the skills of their professions. Now, trying to get my characters to max strength is suddenly impossible.

I still play because aside from the issues with the titles, I really like EotN. But I'd prefer the pve skills to be given at max strength as the result of a difficult quest, or perhaps upon completion of a dungeon.

This game just isn't the game I bought two years ago. It feels like Anet has abandoned its original vision to appeal more to the masses. Grinding for flashy stuff like fow or a nice title? That's fine. But grinding to make skills more effective is exactly the opposite of skill>time. And the skill>time mechanic was what enabled me to play such a variety of characters in the first place.

I remember back before EotN was released. People said "don't complain about the title grind because we don't even know what it's going to be like yet; maybe the titles will be as easy as the sunspear one." Well, they're not. And it's going to be the same with GW2. People will say we shouldn't complain until we see it, but it's obvious what direction Anet is moving in. For all those who love grind, enjoy GW2, I'll be finding better ways to spend my time.
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 04:28 AM // 04:28   #166
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What Gaile said is exactly how I feel. That is the message I have been trying to get across the whole time. Except she said it all in one post and a lot more elegantly than I could have put it.

How the game works is that you can beat it with all the grind free basic stuff. The high-end and elite stuff that takes grind is completely optional and isn't needed.

Thats all I have to say and I am done with this thread.

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Old Oct 02, 2007, 04:49 AM // 04:49   #167
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Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
It has been read by Gaile. Here is what she had to say over at GWO regarding the same clone thread on their forums. and what I had to say back to her.

You know... your post really is aggravating me. First and foremost, I have 5 sets of FoW, countless rare items, a every character decked out in 2-3+ sets of 15k armor in addition to their FoW armor (if they have it) I am no stranger to the elite status of Guild Wars. For you, the CR Manager, to take my post as a plea for something for nothing is downright rude, and I am appalled you did just that.

This thread is not asking for something for nothing, it is asking for Guild Wars to stop putting in mindless grinding games such as allegiance faction. The process of killing literally 10s of thousands of monsters in order to achieve the high ranks of the corresponding title tracks is uncalled for, and simply shows a lack of innovation on your side of the fence Gaile.

I am not asking for something for nothing, that isn't the way the game ever worked, and it would be terrible if it did. What I am asking (if I am even asking for anything at all) is for the creative minds at Arena Net to stop and look at the original thoughts on how the game would function and how it now functions. To look at the amount of grinding needed (per character mind you) to max these titles, or for that matter to get to r5 per character. The method is simple, log in for several hours, find a zone with many enemies, walk outside and methodically kill EVERYTHING in the zone, zone back into town, rinse and repeat. How does that appeal to Time<Skill? Do tell me, I am all ears. :listen:

The fact is, rather then being creative, Arena Net simply threw in grind to keep players busy. Your could have taken the road less traveled, and been innovative and fresh, but you didn't. To the dedicated go the high end items. No Gaile, to the people with enough hours to devote to a GAME go the high end items, not to those would rather use their BRAINS to earn the items. Look back to the Mini Black Moa Chick quest... now that required brains and a bit of grind. It was well balanced, fun, and innovative. Grinding allegiance faction is quite simply, well NOT.

Farming isn't the path to success, being a skilled player, knowing the game, knowing the lore, that should have more reward then farming any day of the week. Casual players can go farm, but casual players don't take the time to truly learn Guild Wars; to read and understand the lore, to memorize the locations of each area and their unique attributes, strengths and weaknesses of the monsters. This is what makes a devoted player truly a devotee, not mindless farming. Rather then reward those with the TIME to farm, reward those players truly interested in your series, even if they don't have every waking moment to spend slaughtering all the happy little creatures in Tyria.

GW:EN is a new game, and by that notion, it means that players, veteran or new player to the series, started at the same starting point, ZERO. Too add in grind to unlock 100% of the content we PAID FOR is wrong. If the grind unlocked bonus content that was no advertised, then this thread wouldn't exist in all honesty. It is the fact that your company veiled the features of GW:EN in order to sell copies, only to have players who are semi casual players find out "Good show old chap, sorry, but you have to grind like the dickens to get ANY one of those 40 "new" armor sets." And while I can forgive the armors being reskinned, and I can forgive the unneeded grind, and the reused sections of dungeons, what I CANNOT and WILL NOT stand for is having the truth about MAINSTREAM features veiled under some magician's smoke and mirrors, made to make a product have all the glitter and none of the substance. Your company is wrong to advertise that as a MAIN feature when casual players may never be able to access that content because you took elite armor that is made for the semi casual player and made it into a reward for hours spent grinding for some title. Well then, you have betrayed the casual player I suppose, considering you advertise "40 New armor sets!" but a casual player probably will never see those sets unless they somehow put real life aside to play your little Grind Wars.

Nice marketing team you have Gaile, they are very good at veiling the truth to sell copies of your beloved franchise. You got 80 dollars of my money using the tactic. Good show, and good game indeed.
Gaile if you read this post, i got 3 words for ya: "Cant touch this..."

I know that you know, that Rahja and much of the community is right, but you get paid to say the things you do, if you ever agreed on with us, you would be out the door, as Anet will not accept defeat on this matter.

now back to ur hibernation....
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 04:51 AM // 04:51   #168
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Originally Posted by Gaile from GWO
Not a single one gives you a strategic advantage.
Time investment for non-ability affecting reward is fine, great even. But some do give actual strategic advantage and that is bad.

All PvE skills have attributes linked to titles, they become more effective from the amount of time you have invested to gaining faction in those respective titles. Several titles have in game ability links, like treasure hunter, lucky, and wisdom titles that make salvaging and lockpicks more effective, not to mention lightbringer which drastically improves your ability to fight Abaddon's minions.

The fact that none of these are required is what I love about Guild Wars. But since the grind is minimal in Guild Wars why should I even have to put up with a little? Why should I have to accept the fact that a person who has opened more chests has better chance at retaining the lockpicks, or ID'ed more golds so salvage better, killed more char so some of there skills are stronger? And while all of these are a fairly small details that don't bother me so much to not like Guild Wars, these are things that have been added to the game, and a direction that they look to continue to do(increased level cap? ). Its not a change I enjoy , have enjoyed, nor will enjoy.
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 04:52 AM // 04:52   #169
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How about this Rahj, you want all this "grind" content removed from the game, what do you want in its place? The whole point was to add stuff for high end, dedicated gamers to go after. If you get rid of the present mechanics of title grinding required to get these things, what's the alternative? If it were easier to get this stuff you'd have it already and be out of things to do, is that the goal? If not that, then what, exactly?

You said yourself the game wasn't designed for grind. What that really means is, as Gaile said, it was never designed with people playing it for several thousand hours in mind. They run out of stuff to do, plain and simple. The mechanics don't lend themselves to a non-grindy extension of gameplay.

This is why I say "move on." If you've done everything that's fun for you in the game, you've finished the game. They tried to add some more stuff for you to do. It's tacked on, no one's really going to argue that. Some people enjoy it anyway, you don't. GW2's going to be designed with thousands of hours in mind, clearly, but what could they realistically do with the current design to fix the problem?

Last edited by Vinraith; Oct 02, 2007 at 04:56 AM // 04:56..
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 04:56 AM // 04:56   #170
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Interesting post, don't agree with much of it, except the title grind. I love the reporting system. I hate having to go to the website to report someone. And since someone is checking them, I can't see this being abused in the least. In fact, it encourages those reporting to get their facts straight or risk banning for false reporting.
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 04:59 AM // 04:59   #171
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Even though i will get flamed for it, i agree with Gailes thread. I am a hardcore player. Doesnt matter what game i play, its a hobbie of mine that i greatly enjoy. I play the game, beat it, get all the best and rare stuff possible and reach the highest point my character can go. Those are the games i like.

I found GW to be an impressive MMO and my favorite. But i still find myself wanting more from it and there is nothing wrong with that. More and more content in a game is actually a good thing, especially for a MMO. My leet armor and rare skins have no effect or no upside over the casual player in GW. Now i can understand the gripe about the pve skills being grinded for more power. I can see how its frustrating to the casual player. GWEN in my eyes was a major dissappointment all across. But then again, to enjoy the game you dont need those skills or have them maxxed out.
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 05:09 AM // 05:09   #172
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Originally Posted by 1 up and 2 down
What Gaile said is exactly how I feel. That is the message I have been trying to get across the whole time. Except she said it all in one post and a lot more elegantly than I could have put it.

How the game works is that you can beat it with all the grind free basic stuff. The high-end and elite stuff that takes grind is completely optional and isn't needed.

Thats all I have to say and I am done with this thread.

What a load of crap, ive been knocked down on many occasions from teams trying to complete quests/missions for not having my "title rank" high enough or pretty equipment/armor. That does not mean i do not posses the skills to complete them. This is what titles have introduced. if you are young in school, bludger on the dole, with no family life whatsoever you get to enjoy the "social" aspect of the MMO game...

This is not the game it used to be before the titles ware introduced, titles should be kept on a personal level and away from the games playing structure.

Last edited by Smoke; Oct 02, 2007 at 05:40 AM // 05:40..
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 05:10 AM // 05:10   #173
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Meh I want Gaile to read my post and answer it too
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 05:16 AM // 05:16   #174
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Man, I think we all agree that GW1 isn't what it was, but at the end of the day, it is what it is. Whatever. We can't change it now. Hopefully GW2 will be better, but just from the little bit I've heard about it, I'll wait awhile and see what y'all have to say about it. If it rocks, big deal... I'm behind the power curve by a few months. If it blows, no harm, no foul, thanks for 2 years... especially the 1st one.

EDIT: basically, try and not let this consume you to where you get banned or worse... though banning someone for no foul language or nothing immature still boggles me.

Last edited by Edge Martinez; Oct 02, 2007 at 05:19 AM // 05:19..
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 05:17 AM // 05:17   #175
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Paragraphs of walls of text. Enough is enough, I'm not reading any more complaints.
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 05:31 AM // 05:31   #176
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Originally Posted by Andisa Kalorn
I agree with Rahja. And Gaile and other posters just aren't understanding what the problem is.

It's not about wanting a Ferrari for free. It's not even about hating titles. It's about how the game has changed.

I really like playing on multiple characters. I have 10 pve characters, and each has a different max title. This includes canthan vanquisher for my mes, elonian vanquisher for my ele, and legendary skill hunter on my necro. My mes has fow. I wouldn't point this out, but it seems that people think that people who are saying they don't like how the game is turning out don't want to put any effort into anything. That's not the case at all.
I have the same problem too... and I agree with your post entirely
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 05:42 AM // 05:42   #177
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I play in a bubble where the game is still fun.
It's nice in my bubble.
But lonely sometimes.
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 05:55 AM // 05:55   #178
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Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
It has been read by Gaile. Here is what she had to say over at GWO regarding the same clone thread on their forums. and what I had to say back to her.

You know... your post really is aggravating me. First and foremost, I have 5 sets of FoW, countless rare items, a every character decked out in 2-3+ sets of 15k armor in addition to their FoW armor (if they have it) I am no stranger to the elite status of Guild Wars. For you, the CR Manager, to take my post as a plea for something for nothing is downright rude, and I am appalled you did just that.

This thread is not asking for something for nothing, it is asking for Guild Wars to stop putting in mindless grinding games such as allegiance faction. The process of killing literally 10s of thousands of monsters in order to achieve the high ranks of the corresponding title tracks is uncalled for, and simply shows a lack of innovation on your side of the fence Gaile.

I am not asking for something for nothing, that isn't the way the game ever worked, and it would be terrible if it did. What I am asking (if I am even asking for anything at all) is for the creative minds at Arena Net to stop and look at the original thoughts on how the game would function and how it now functions. To look at the amount of grinding needed (per character mind you) to max these titles, or for that matter to get to r5 per character. The method is simple, log in for several hours, find a zone with many enemies, walk outside and methodically kill EVERYTHING in the zone, zone back into town, rinse and repeat. How does that appeal to Time<Skill? Do tell me, I am all ears. :listen:

The fact is, rather then being creative, Arena Net simply threw in grind to keep players busy. Your could have taken the road less traveled, and been innovative and fresh, but you didn't. To the dedicated go the high end items. No Gaile, to the people with enough hours to devote to a GAME go the high end items, not to those would rather use their BRAINS to earn the items. Look back to the Mini Black Moa Chick quest... now that required brains and a bit of grind. It was well balanced, fun, and innovative. Grinding allegiance faction is quite simply, well NOT.

Farming isn't the path to success, being a skilled player, knowing the game, knowing the lore, that should have more reward then farming any day of the week. Casual players can go farm, but casual players don't take the time to truly learn Guild Wars; to read and understand the lore, to memorize the locations of each area and their unique attributes, strengths and weaknesses of the monsters. This is what makes a devoted player truly a devotee, not mindless farming. Rather then reward those with the TIME to farm, reward those players truly interested in your series, even if they don't have every waking moment to spend slaughtering all the happy little creatures in Tyria.

GW:EN is a new game, and by that notion, it means that players, veteran or new player to the series, started at the same starting point, ZERO. Too add in grind to unlock 100% of the content we PAID FOR is wrong. If the grind unlocked bonus content that was no advertised, then this thread wouldn't exist in all honesty. It is the fact that your company veiled the features of GW:EN in order to sell copies, only to have players who are semi casual players find out "Good show old chap, sorry, but you have to grind like the dickens to get ANY one of those 40 "new" armor sets." And while I can forgive the armors being reskinned, and I can forgive the unneeded grind, and the reused sections of dungeons, what I CANNOT and WILL NOT stand for is having the truth about MAINSTREAM features veiled under some magician's smoke and mirrors, made to make a product have all the glitter and none of the substance. Your company is wrong to advertise that as a MAIN feature when casual players may never be able to access that content because you took elite armor that is made for the semi casual player and made it into a reward for hours spent grinding for some title. Well then, you have betrayed the casual player I suppose, considering you advertise "40 New armor sets!" but a casual player probably will never see those sets unless they somehow put real life aside to play your little Grind Wars.

Nice marketing team you have Gaile, they are very good at veiling the truth to sell copies of your beloved franchise. You got 80 dollars of my money using the tactic. Good show, and good game indeed.
Oh man Rahja I have even more respect for you then I did while I read all pages of your thread. I mean you answered back to her in the most kindest way possible. I would of cursed that...misunderstanding person to the pits of hell. When I finished reading her response to you I was like "Huh did you forget your reading glasses? Misplace your logic cap?"

Honestly that's not something you'd expect from a community relations manager. Accusations, and then WRONG ones too. I feel fot you dude and thanks for making this thread, All the complaints about GW going down in flames have been popping around evrywhere and you we're able tot ake all of them and make them inot a thread of your own, that has recieved my ultimate respect.

If anyone from Anet bothers to read thsi thread again, the points are not all complaints. They're facts, it's your fault for making them negative.

P.S. Love your guild name Rahja I didn't think of that one
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 05:58 AM // 05:58   #179
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I've got to chime in just one more time. I am not, by any means, an elite player. I've taken a very long break from GW and have only come back to it in the past month. Several of my weekdays have been busy from me waking up at 5:30am to coming home 13 hours later, but somehow I still managed to get rank 5 for all armor crafting within a reasonably short amount of time by doing quests, hanging out with friends in dungeons, and exploring the various zones in detail.

If you ask me how I did it, I won't be able to answer. I didn't stay up several nights in a row, I haven't ignored the real and truly important aspects of my life, and GW didn't interfere with any of my schedules. But I, as a casual player, still did it.

So when you state that casual players will never be able to unlock the content that GWEN promised, don't be so confident. I have just proved you wrong.
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Old Oct 02, 2007, 06:10 AM // 06:10   #180
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Originally Posted by Captain Gerome
Gailes patronising tone really pisses me off. That witch needs to go.
This is entirely uncalled for. Gaile has a point that some will agree with and some won't but her comments are not patronising.

It's like capitalism and communism. In communism everybody gets the same and in capitalism you can get ahead of others by doing more effort. Both systems have advantages and disadvantages but the theory is always better than real life.

Guild wars has opted for a middle road and I think it's a good thing. The problem that happens when everybody can get everything easily is that people stop working...or playing in this case. It is a simple fact that they will lose more players if there are no rewards at all for putting in time. They were so kind to make a game where it is not needed to put in time to play the game.

As for PvE skills...yes some of them are grind based but you can't use em in PvP and in PvE they are already effective at lower levels and don't need to have grind behind them.
Most of them are great skills at level 3-4 already. It doesn't take much to get there really.
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